Press Release 27.05.2015
Date: 27/05/2015
The President of the City Council of Jagontina granted two hectares of land in Greek – Serbian Chamber of Greece for business investments.
The actions of the administration of the Greek – Serbian Chamber of Greece continue unabated in order to create a new economic framework and the right circumstances for business cooperation between the two countries. It is very important the great interest that have shown the government of Serbia, representatives of local authorities and Serbian businessmen and this is evidenced by the dozens of requests to visit our country and to become members of the Chamber.
Within this context, the President of the City Council of Jagontina, Dragan Markovic, visited Thessaloniki and have a meeting with the administration committee of the Greek – Serbian Chamber. Mr. Markovic showed real interest, giving two hectares of land in the limits of the municipality of Jagontina in Greek – Serbian Chamber. This land will be given to Greek companies wishing to do business in Serbia. The area is located next to the international road ten so that access is appropriate. Also, Mr. Markovic pointed out that the municipality will provide all required infrastructure such as electricity, water, gas, sewage system and other social utility services.
Worth noting, that the Municipality of Jagontina covers all costs for three thousands residents in order to take holidays in North Greece free of charge.
The mission of the municipality of Jagontina was populous, as the President was followed by dozens of Serbian businessmen, all national television stations in Serbia, and the channel “Palma Plus”, whose owner is Mr. Markovic. The enormous interest for Greece proved not only from the business proposal of Mr. Markovic, but also from the number of the Serbian delegation that visit our country.
The President of the Greek – Serbian Chamber of Greece, Mr. Kostas Georgakos after the meeting mentioned the following, “the populous mission of municipality of Jagontina proves the good climate that exists between the two countries. Our role is to leverage the good climate and create an investment environment that will bring business deals for our country in order to come substantial growth in Greece. We are very happy that the interest of Serbia is so big. After all, we are given the opportunity to lay foundations to the development of our country. ”
With honor,
The President
Kostas Georgakos